Thursday 27 April 2017

KOGI: Government Not Responsible For Continous Closure Of Schools – Edward Onoja

The lingering closure of Tertiary Institutions in KogiState is not the handiwork of the Kogi State Government but it is our duty to reopen them by all means at our disposal. 

While we continue to work on that, we pose a few questions below for the unbiased mind to ponder on:

Were the Schools closed down by the Government of Kogi State which owns them? 

If No, who then shut down the schools and have kept our students at home when they want and ought to be in their classrooms?

What reasons have been given by the Staff Unions for downing tools, and how tenable are they?

What have the Academic Staff Unions demanded from the Kogi State Government which remains unmet and therefore justifies this continuing punishment on our students? 

If they say non-payment of salaries is the problem, will they resume work today if Government decides to forget everyone else and pay them alone? 

If not, why not? What other demands do they have which go beyond even the power and the jurisdiction of any Government? Has any of the protesters bothered to find out? 

What percentage of salaries has Government paid even paid and has Government not shown any signs of good faith, made efforts, etc that warrants return to work even for a while as other issues are being tackled? 

Why of all the about 110 branches and sub-branches of (Primary and Secondary)Education Sector Unions, Local Government Employee and the over 70 Ministries,Departments,Agencies and Commissions;Only the 6 Tertiary Institutions Staff are sitting at home and holding the State and its people, especially Parents and Students, to ransom? 

Has Government met with various Students representatives from Kogi and outside Kogi and did she try to explain her own roles, and appeal for their understanding?

Are there proofs that some of the protesters have been paid by disgruntled politicians from Kogi to ensure that chaos and breakdown of law and order is the order of the day in the state? 

Would a responsible Leader sit by, arms folded and allow such to happen in a State that is just wriggling out of many years of insecurity and uncontrolled rampage by violent criminals?

Shouldn’t the protesters, if their cause is righteous, look at the financial and other figures relating to the 6 Tertiary Institutions and make comparisons with others in the same sector even though they are Autonomous and generate revenue which they utilize unencumbered?

How does gathering at major intersections, causing traffic gridlock and harassing innocent passengers on Federal and State Highways aiming to hurriedly take pictures for to be used on social media to paint the state as unsafe help the cause of the students or the state? 

How does doing that on a day like today when we all needs to project our state positively like as the flag-off of distribution of 2.2million Insecticidal Mosquito Nets by The US Ambassador help us? 

How does doing that on a day the state is hosting a stakeholders meeting on Entertainment, Arts and Culture with a view to developing and harnessing the enormous talents deposited in our teeming youths help? 

How can any Kogite be happy to demarket the State no matter their grievances?

I urge protesting students to look at the figures and ask the right questions so that the roles of the Government in the logjam can be separated from the roles of others, so blame (if any) can be properly apportioned. 

Let those who have the power convene their Congress and agree to return to work so Students can resume and make meaning of their lives. 

This Government remains committed to meeting her responsibilities.

?She is granting open access to all stakeholders, especially Students. 

?There is general Infrastructure revolution across the State.

?Ensuring our Resources is utilized for our people as against butchering it like an Elephant for eventual sharing amongst the so called “big boys” who probably don’t know what it means to struggle through school and get a defendable Certificate.

No other Government has worked as hard to foster the One United Kogi Spirit where we see ourselves as one and refuse to be divided by self-centered elements.

As a Comrade and a former Student Leader, and now a Government official I should know better and I can tell on this particular occasion the Students have put their anger and energy to the wrong quarters. But Government will keep its effort up to ensure we get the Students back to School.

The Administration of His Excellency, Governor Yahaya Bello will not be distracted from her mission of leading KogiState in a New Direction of Peace and Prosperity through Good Governance. Those who want to cause chaos and mayhem, people motivated by a desire to see KogiState fail can only try, we will make sure that they fail.

Many thanks for circulating my number 07088698212. Its increases my circle of friends I need to menthor for Leadership roles not Thuggery.

-Edward Onoja.
Is the Chief of Staff
To KogiState Governor.
Can be reached on
07088698212 and on twitter

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