Friday 29 April 2016

Young Nigerian thinks of innovative service to help Nigerians manage power

Moses Oraezue and his British business partner Amanda Hawkins are ready to work along side struggling power distribution companies, helping them manage the reality of the impact of scarce power in Nigeria.

Power Alertz is a simple and effective idea to allow the people of Nigeria manage their everyday lives more effectively, even with the power cuts. 
The company would offer a subscription based service that would inform customers 8-12 minutes of an impending power cut, allowing them to complete tasks before the power goes off i.e. pump water, ironing, cooking, with businesses, hospitals etc. 

The service would also alert customers to the restoration of power. Our aim is to erase the anxiety and shock of not knowing at any time when the power will come or go, and further more help every Nigerian to live their life to an increased standard despite the power difficulties
Moses Oraezue, CEO, Power Alertz said “Ever been in the middle of ironing and the light suddenly goes? Ever been Watching a football match or an interesting tv program and the light goes? What about working on your computer – bam – power gone and you have lost your documents? Not knowing when power will come or go is the blight of every Nigerian.
Think about getting an sms alert giving you a warning – what could you do? Save your documents? Quickly press your clothes? Turn the generator off and stop wasting valuable fuel when the power has been restored? That’s the service that our company wants to provide.
Whilst I know that the government and distribution companies have been working hard to build power capacity up, its grinds you down not to be able to perform your everyday life. I really feel for the poor people who have no power for weeks, and they have had nowhere to turn to for reliable accurate information. It would be our mission to use many relevant and modern customer communication strategies, meeting the needs of the modern Nigerian, at the every least a toll free number for people to call to get information on why they don’t have power ”
Amanda Hawkins, Director, Power Alertz “I am fortunate, I live in London.
But on a recent trip to Nigeria was able to experience the impact that power cuts have on people. I was so taken by the simple and effective idea to give people back their lives, I have committed myself to this business and want to lend my support to the Nigerian power struggle”

Amanda and Moses are currently in Lagos working on this project (until 29th April).

For interviews with Power Alertz please contact:

Tel:      +234 809447 5008

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